Wednesday, December 18
- Welcome and land acknowledgement
- Active Living: Bowling - sign up by lunch and be prepared for a cold walk to Leisure Lanes
- Next week is Christmas break - set a SMART goal
- Progress reports
- What are you going to change?
- What can we do to help?
- What’s working - keep it going
- What’s not working
- Interested in making a paracord bracelet? Let Mr. Halbert know and he will bring in supplies to make them during lunchtime. You can try making a snake knot, fishtail or cobra knot.
- Lunch - Xmas luncheon leftovers
- The newest BLCSchool video is out on youtube - be sure to like and subscribe!
- Christmas baking this Friday is now full. You can put your name on the waitlist and if a spot opens up, Mrs. Amundson will contact you. If you signed up, check your wolfcreek email tomorrow
- December Birthdays
- Thursday - PJ day + Gingerbread houses
- Birthday cupcakes!